Melachim Bet

We just can't stop learning! ...The Bekiut Nach class of 5766 in a quest to complete Nevi'im Rishonim

Thursday, June 29, 2006

Questions on Chapter 5
מלכים ב' פרק ה'

1. Read the entire perek

· Find מילים מנחות . In the course of the story, what significance do these words have?

#פסוק א-ב This is the introduction to the story in which the characters are introduced and the background to the story is given. Academics call this the “exposition” – because it “exposes “ the characters.
· What information is given to us here? Is it particularly significant in the wider context of the story?

ו'-ז' How does the King of Israel react when he gets the letter from Melech Aram? What do his actions tell us about his emotional reaction to the letter? Why does he react this way?

י'-י"בWhat does Elisha tell Na’aman to do in order to cure his Tzara’at? Why does Na’aman get angry? Pay attention to the reasons that he gives in his outburst here. What did he expect? What does this tell us about his perception of the role of the Navi
· Why does Elisha act by sending a messenger here? Why not talk to Na’aman in person? (Note that the entire story happens via messengers. Is this significant?)

י', י"ד Have we ever seen this method of healing Tzaraat before? See Vayikra 14:1-10. (maybe there is a connection -Note there the number 7 and the role of water.)

י"ד-י"טHow does Na’aman change as a result of his dip into the waters of the River Jordan?
· Physically
· religiously
· In his attitude to Elisha
Demonstrate all three through the pesukim.

· Why does Na’aman want to take soil back from Eretz Yisrael to Aram? See mepharshim. How is this a total reversal of his comments in passuk 12?

כ-כ"ז How does this story relate to the earlier one? Is this just an “appendix” to the earlier story or is this an integral part? If it is an integral part, then how does it fit into the central theme of the parsha here?

3. General
What does this story tell you about the phenomena we call Tzara'at? Is it a punishment (from God)? illness (natural)?

For mekorot in Chazal, see the Gemara in “ערכין ט"ז עמ' א "על ז' דברים נגעין באין
· What seven things are listed there? See the examples given for each.