Melachim Bet

We just can't stop learning! ...The Bekiut Nach class of 5766 in a quest to complete Nevi'im Rishonim

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Chavruta Questions
Yehoshafat - Melachim Aleph 22:41-51

1. We have already met Yehoshafat in the earlier part of this perek.
· Try to summarise the information that can be gleaned about Yehoshafat from that story of the war against Aram
· Here (passuk 41-51) is the “official summary” of Malchut Yehoshafat. What details do you notice here?
What is the significance of the information here?

#48 explain this passuk
#49-51 What are אניות תרשיש? Where is עציון גבר? (look at a map!)
Who else went looking for Gold in Ophir? (see 9:26-7; 10:22) Why is the comparison significant?
What happened to this mission? See Div Hayamim II 20:37.

2. To understand Yehoshafat in full detail, please see Divrei Hayamim II ch.17-19 (Yes, lots of reading!)
· In particular pay attention to the prophetic message that Yehoshafat receives in the wake of his alliance with Achav. How does he react/ respond to the prophetic communication?

מלכים ב' פרק א' - Ahazyahu ben Achav.
Read from 22:52 onwards.

1:1-2 The rebellion of Moav
· How does this rebellion manifest itself? To find out, look at the meaning of the root "פשע" in ויפשע מואב בישראל. You will find an answer by referencing מל"א י"ב/י"ט
· What relationship is there between the rebellion of Moav and the state of Achazyahu’s health? (Daat Mikra)
· For more on this rebellion, see ch.3.

1:2-17 Achazyahu sends messengers to Ba’al Z’voov.
· Where is Ekron? see Yehoshua 13:3
· Why does Eliyahu send messengers back to Achazyahu? Why not deliver the message in person? - What answer does the rest of this story give to this question?
· For what purpose does Achazyahu send soldiers back to Eliyahu? Why is there a need for 50 men? Why does Eliyahu kill them? [Note - HOW does Eliyahu kill them. Is this “characteristic” of Eliyahu?]

To help us with this, pay attention to the threefold story here. Note progressions between each group:
- The way that the שר החמישים addresses Eliyahu, and to Eliyahu’s response. What do you notice. Note the progression between the first and second incident. (Where have we seen the phrase כה אמר in this perek?) What happens the 3rd time?

Is this story about Eliyahu and the messengers of the king, or about Eliyahu and Achazyah himself?

· 1:8 How is Eliyahu’s external appearance described here? In contrast, see Elisha, 2:24

· Finally, think about this story in the light of the account of Yerovam's wife (Melachim I ch.14.) What is similar here and what is different. What is this particular story aiming to convey?